"Taiwan, a Chinese people, separated unto a little nation of your own, joined with the natives of the island, you will be joined back. You've lived in isolation, a people isolated, a people that has sought to find your position. A people that seems to produce so much in days gone by, and still does, before Japan and Korea started taking and overshadowing you. You've strived hard, because you've always felt inferior. But in that inferiority, you had a sense of pride in who you are. So out of you shall come forth a people who mastered the art of isolation and beauty. A people who know how to survive in every situation. Out of the stubbornness and the ability to survive and thrive in every environment, you shall be a people that would teach the Body of Christ the art of survival, through the wilderness, through the mountains, through all places, to survive rejection, to survive hardness, to survive in the days to come of persecution, for you know what it is like. You will add the color to the Body of Christ, we claim you, in Jesus' Name, amen."
愛恋 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語
《Descendants of the Son》
《Descendants of the Son》
目前分類:神國動態 (32)
- Dec 06 Sat 2014 23:45
Taiwan - The Heart of Asia
"Taiwan, a Chinese people, separated unto a little nation of your own, joined with the natives of the island, you will be joined back. You've lived in isolation, a people isolated, a people that has sought to find your position. A people that seems to produce so much in days gone by, and still does, before Japan and Korea started taking and overshadowing you. You've strived hard, because you've always felt inferior. But in that inferiority, you had a sense of pride in who you are. So out of you shall come forth a people who mastered the art of isolation and beauty. A people who know how to survive in every situation. Out of the stubbornness and the ability to survive and thrive in every environment, you shall be a people that would teach the Body of Christ the art of survival, through the wilderness, through the mountains, through all places, to survive rejection, to survive hardness, to survive in the days to come of persecution, for you know what it is like. You will add the color to the Body of Christ, we claim you, in Jesus' Name, amen."
- Aug 10 Sun 2014 18:02
The night of Aug 1 to Aug 2, 2014, I spent the night outside of Okinawa airport, since it was not a 24/7 airport. This was due to a canceled Peach Airlines flight because of Typhoon.
I believe this was orchestrated by God, as Peach had no further flights to Taiwan, and we all had to re-book another airline to go back. They refunded us the airfare.
It happened that not too long fromo this time, a TransAsia (復興) plane crashed landed in 澎湖, and quite a few people died. God spoke to me that "revival" (symbolized by the airline's Chinese name) has to safely land in Taiwan, and I had to spend the night praying, book the ticket and make sure "revival" land safely in Taiwan this time. That night, it happened that there was a major gas explosion incident in kaohsiung. This was the work of the enemy, knowing that God is bringing revival to Taiwan.
The key message is: I must take TransAsia, as revival must land safely in Taiwan. This act has significant spiritual meaning unseen to the human eyes. It happend that the date that I safely landed in Taiwan with "Revival Airlines," it is Chinese Valentine's (Aug. 2, 2014).
The night when I prayed/slept outside of the Okinawa (Naha) airport, Singapore COG is also praying all night at exactly the same time.
The day I flew back with Reivival, it flew beautifully.
Below is a photo of the "wing of revivial" -- 復興的翅膀.
- Jun 29 Sat 2013 01:58
Prepare for the Coming Wars and Worldwide Catastrophes
Prepare for the Coming Wars and Worldwide Catastrophes – 28 June 2013
June 28th, 2013
Prepare for the Coming Wars and Worldwide Catastrophes
This message is intended to prepare those of our friends and partners, church members in Sydney, Singapore and around the world and those Christians who believe this message, and their families, loved ones and friends to move to the right place at the right time in God's perfect Will on their lives. It is most important that each of you discover God's destiny in your life and know how to respond to the coming wars and worldwide catastrophes. This is not intended to cause fear or alarm but more to prepare those who believe this message for the coming events that will change the whole world. The events are a part of God's shaking of the whole earth and cannot be prevented or stopped but our response to it in evangelism and the saving of souls and lives can be increased through prayers and intercessions.
Hebrews 12:26-20
Whose voice then shook the earth; but now He has promised, saying, 「YET ONCE MORE I SHAKE NOT ONLY THE EARTH, BUT ALSO HEAVEN.」 Now this, 「YET ONCE MORE,」 indicates the removal of those things that are being shaken, as of things that are made, that the things which cannot be shaken may remain. Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear. For our God is a consuming fire.
The above speaks of a spiritual shaking but in this last generation that will see the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, there will be a sign given to this earth that our God reigns and that He is about to shake both the heavens and the earth that we may turn from our wicked ways and return to our God and Father of all creation, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is understandable that many will find this message unbelievable and are sceptical. Our answer is that if God were to show this events in visions, is it right to keep silent and not warn the whole world? If the visions are not true, and we did tell people about it, it is only our reputation and pride that is hurt. On the other hand, if the visions are true and we fail to warn the world, woe to us for failing to warn the world and save as many people as possible. Thus in facing the choice of keep silent or telling the world, the choice is to tell and warn for when it comes to pass billions of lives are affected and many millions would have died who could be saved. In Noah's time, when he told people about the coming flood, many choose not to believe him. When the day comes and these events take place, the world would know that God has in His mercy given advance warning. There are many other more capable, more talented and much better people whom God could have given the task to warn the world of this event. We are humbled by the task and responsibility God gave to warn the world of these coming events. Please critique, examine and test these prophecies and hold fast to that which is true and good (1 Thessalonians 5:19-21).
- May 18 Sat 2013 21:41
針對異端 台灣基督教界首度發表聯合聲明
2013/3/2 上午 09:00:00 記者吳佳玲/綜合報導
針對異端,台灣基督教界4日公開發表聲明,刊登於聯合、中時、自由、蘋果、工商與經濟6大報。 (攝影/記者吳佳玲)
於 2012年底登陸台灣的異端「全能神教會」(又名「新歌教會」),不只在全台各縣市流竄,擺攤傳教,更不斷在一般報紙媒體刊登大篇幅文宣廣告,宣傳偏頗、 扭曲,嚴重悖離基督教「正統」教義與充滿「敵基督」的內容,引發許多主內肢體與弟兄姐妹的反感,更嚴重混淆社會大眾對於正統基督教的認知。
為了導正視聽,清楚與異端切割,台灣基督教界「破天荒」為此於2月25日在台北靈糧堂宣 教大樓召開聯合會議,首度共同擬訂並發表聯合聲明,有高達56個台灣基督教各主要宗派、教會、神學院、機構與媒體連署(連署持續進行中),呼籲基督徒要勇 敢興起與奮起。並於4日(週一),刊登全版聲明廣告於聯合報、中國時報、自由時報、蘋果日報、工商時報、經濟日報6大報。
- Apr 02 Tue 2013 19:44
What the Church Can Learn From Starbucks' Bold Stance on Gay Marriage
What the Church Can Learn From Starbucks' Bold Stance on Gay Marriage
1:00PM EDT 4/1/2013 Daniel Norris
This past week during Starbucks' annual shareholders meeting, CEO Howard Shultz shut down an investor who asked if the company’s support of a gay marriage initiative in Washington state was to blame for a disappointing earnings season.
Shultz responded, “Some things are not a financial decision.” His bold words brought immediate applause from the other shareholders. Shultz then added that if the investor didn’t like the company's position, he was welcome to “sell [his] shares ... and buy shares in another company. Thank you very much.”
Shultz's comments were celebrated in the meeting; however, days later those same remarks created a firestorm in the evangelical community as calls to “Dump Starbucks” began going viral across the Internet.
It is surprising to see the shock my fellow Christian coffee addicts are displaying at the moment. This is not a new position for the company; it is just the boldest they’ve stated it to date.
- Mar 31 Sun 2013 20:45
The Great Southland of The Holy Spirit
The Great Southland of The Holy Spirit - Steve Grace
We Australians are such a blessed people, I love our nation - it is so beautiful. God gave us so much to be thankful for, so much to love and be grateful for the lifestyle and freedom that is for all of us to share in this magnificent country. God bless Australia and all who call her 'home'.
The Great Southland of the Holy Spirit, written by one of Australia's most beautiful praise and worship songwriters, Geoff Bullock. This rendition is by Steve Grace as featured on the CD 'Australia Worships - The Great Southland'. Released 10 July 1992 by Maranatha Music. Absolutely no infringement intended, all rights belong to their rightful owners. This song also features on the Hillsong album "The Power of Your Love" also released in 1992.
Verse 1:
- Mar 22 Fri 2013 00:01
Rob Bell's Recipe for Spiritual Disaster
Rob Bell speaks at a forum hosted by Grace Cathedral in San Francisco on Sunday (Facebook)
In the midst of his announcement on Sunday that he now supports same-sex marriage, Rob Bell warned American evangelicals to 「adapt or die.」 His counsel, intended to be helpful, is actually a guaranteed formula for failure and a proven recipe for disaster. In fact, the only way for us to make a lasting impact on the culture and maintain a relevant witness to society is to do the opposite of what Bell advised.
Over the last few years Bell, a best-selling author and former megachurch pastor, has steadily distanced himself from the mainstream evangelical community. Known for asking provocative questions and challenging the status quo, he amassed a large following that has been drawn to his non-dogmatic approach—an approach I call a 「celebration of ambiguity.」
To paraphrase this approach: Rather than the leader saying, 「This is the way. It is proven and sure. Follow me,」 the leader now says, 「Who am I to know? How can anyone be sure? Isn't it narrow and small-minded of us to be so inflexible and dogmatic?」
- Mar 21 Thu 2013 23:02
專家︰超強地震海嘯必發生 太平洋西北沿岸死亡數將破萬
根據資料,太平洋西北沿岸的卡迪亞斷層帶(Cascadia Subduction Zone)在1700年曾出現超強地震。有地震專家預期,另一次超強地震加海嘯肯定會發生。
報告指出,一旦地震發生,由北加州至加拿大卑斯省沿岸地區將會被蹂躪,傷亡慘重。俄勒岡如受地震襲擊,州內很多地方會出現缺水、缺電,暖氣、通訊及汽油供 應亦會因此中斷。報告指出,俄勒岡及日本在地理上類似,而日本持續投放數百億元在防震防災技術上,力求減少災害帶來的傷害,顯然比俄勒岡所做的準備工夫較 多。
- Mar 20 Wed 2013 23:54
No More Pentecostal Popemobiles
Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Facebook)
The election of the new pope is a prophetic slap in the face for our egotistical excess.
I’m not Catholic, and I’ve never completely understood Catholics’ preoccupation with Vatican politics. But I’ve been watching the Vatican closely since last week when Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina became the 266th pope and instantly got 2 million followers—and counting—on Twitter.
Why is this man so popular? That’s easy to understand. He’s humble. He cooks for himself. He chose to live in a small apartment in Buenos Aires instead of the archbishop’s palace. When he was the leader of Argentina’s Catholics, he took el micro—the city bus—to get around. He took the bus again after his election last week in Rome.
He even slipped out of the Vatican after his election to go and worship with the regular people—without security guards or the popemobile!
- Feb 17 Sun 2013 00:21
And He Was Not
I am
- Jan 06 Sun 2013 21:05
2013 - A Year of Death, Life and Resurrection
2013 - A Year of Death, Life and Resurrection
The beginning of shaking. All things that can be shaken will be shaken. All that can be removed will be removed. A time of great upheavals.
Key Word:
"Then suddenly.. !"
Deeper beauty of holiness and purity.
- Jan 12 Thu 2012 11:01
Tyranny of the Minority | Fast and Furious
Rick Joyner 1/11/2012
Tyranny of the Minority
One of the great injustices of our times is how a tiny minority of people can claim to be offended by something and take the rights away from millions. This culture-choking perversion is the fruit of one of the great deceptions of our times—political correctness. May this be the year when we reclaim our lost rights and restore the Constitution that enabled the United States to become the greatest nation in history.
No decent person should want to purposely offend others, but the political correctness perversion has gone to such an extreme that it is time to get offended at the offended. One of the great symbols of how perverse and cowardly our leaders have become in the face of political correctness is how church bells have been silenced over whole nations in Europe because Muslims claimed they were offensive, while their call to prayer is now heard almost everywhere at a volume that exceeds the law for db limits.
I'm personally fine with hearing the call to prayer, and I do respect those who are so devoted to their beliefs that they pray five times a day even if I disagree with them, but don't tell me the church bells are offensive and then do this. Where are our leaders?
I was watching Fox News one day when the anchor was interviewing someone about a stand they were taking. The anchor asked with seeming astonishment if they weren't afraid that they would offend someone, as if such a thing would be a horrible crime! It is time that we got offended by the whole nation losing its basic constitutional rights because a handful of people claim to be offended by something. This has gone too far, and if we do not stand up now and determine that we will not let the tyranny of the minority take our rights, we will certainly lose them all very soon.
- Nov 05 Sat 2011 06:00
Spiritual Activities (Oct. 26, 2011)
[There are] much activities in the Spirit World and we know that great changes are coming forth. Spiritual changes always take place first and then the natural. There has been recent bouts of activity among the angels in South-East Asia and we know that they are hastening major changes to the region. Our prayers go towards those who are affected by the floods in Thailand, Many of the disasters of the natural realm come from bloodshed of a generation or so before. Sadly, those of the present generation are innocent of the bloodshed of previous generations but all these also took place in the Bible when David’s kingdom suffered a three year famine caused by Saul’s bloodshed of the Gibeonites (2 Samuel 21).
The following are Scriptures that reveal cause and effect of innocent blood shed:
Genesis 9:6 Those who shed blood will themselves suffer the same consequences of their blood being shed.
Numbers 35:33 Bloodshed defiles the land and leaves an open door for the enemy to wreck havoc in the natural realm.
David, himself, was not allowed to build the temple because of bloodshed (although he did not shed innocent blood, except the blood of Uriah the Hittite) (1Chronicles 22:8; 1 Chronicles 28:3).
- Mar 02 Wed 2011 13:26
和合本修訂版 (完整線上版)
和合本修訂版 簡介
- Jan 03 Mon 2011 08:06
2011 – A Year of Conflicts: The Young Lions Rise
January 2nd, 2011
Listed below is first the prophecy followed by some interpretations in seven areas. Be blessed.
- Jan 20 Wed 2010 15:06
Word for 2010
Excerpt taken
A lot of wonderful things are going to happen this year for those who love the Lord with all their hearts. Peering into the future from the vantage point of the Spiritual realm is exciting. While there may be shakings in the natural realm, there will be the land of Goshen for those in the Lord. The spiritual anchor is liken to the ship's anchor which keeps a boat steadfastly moored in a storm; with the exception that it is moored spiritually upwards in God rather than downwards in the waters. How many times does the epistles ask us to look upwards in Christ. We are seated with Him in the heavenly places and we are to look to things above and not beneath. The proper place for the spirit man is in heaven in Christ and not on earth. Earth is the place where our spiritual man puts on a suit to enter into this earth atmosphere (the suit being the physical body). From time to time, we need to surface and breathe the real air of the spiritual heavens. It is our default place and home. It has been so easy to rise to the heights of heaven after the spiritual encounters like some sort of a tuning done to the spirit man once it has has experienced heaven. As I write this, the Spirit came upon me again and draws me upwards (so the pause). This intensity of light is so glorious but I do find the spiritual eyes adjusting to them. I see visions of ships (old and new) ocean liners and all kinds of vessels. The old are being collected and drawn away and the new ones launched. It is a symbolic vision. The ocean is calm but there is a sense of a coming storm. The calm before the storm. I see in the distance an angry looking cloud, menacing but prevented from drawing near. Behind me are a host of angels with great light. The two forces clash over the oceans and the angels, of course, win but the old ships are lost and gone. Suddenly, the storm clears and it is the most beautiful scene; the loveliest ocean view with myriads of beautiful colours of the sea. Grand ocean liners flow in synchrony to the furthest oceans. Who are these ships? They are the people, the nations, the businesses, the ministries – all varied and diverse; small sailings ones, giant liners, all representative of the diversities of humans, entreprises, ministries and nations large and small. This year is a spiritual battle that is foreordained from of old. The spiritual clash that must come. Its side effect on the natural world are the upheavals of nature and entreprises and ministries and nations. It is like the old clashing of empires in the time of Daniel when Gabriel went forth to strengthen the kings of Persia but fought the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13, 20; 11:1 - the prince and the kings are two different entities, one spiritual and the other humans). A great spiritual battle took placed in the time of Daniel during the changeover of empires; the same is being wrought out in the spiritual realm over the whole earth. It is a war zone in the Spiritual realm above the earth. Spiritual wickedness in high places do not give up their thrones easily but they must for the time has come for changes to take place this year.
Papa God, in the fullness time you have brought all of us to the place where you want us to be; some in one country and some in another, some in cities and some in the fields. Your positioning of your church is such that it is ready for the next phase. We continue to pray for all our loved ones, friends and partners in the ministry, students and church members that you would bring all to the right geographical place, the right physical place, the right spiritual place, the right fellowship, the right partnerships that each may find their destiny in you. Thank you for the work of Your Spirit and the power of the Holy Spirit that You release now in the last days. Thank you for Your angelic armies that march forth to possess new territories in the spiritual heavens. Let Your divine secret place of the Most High be upon us.
Related Link: 2010 - The Year of Endings & Beginnings
- Jan 11 Mon 2010 18:39
2010 - The Year of Endings & Beginnings
The earth is in turmoil as seen in the recent volcanic activities and earthquakes. Indeed, the dream vision of the sinking islands point to a tumultuous year 2010. This is the calm before the storm. A lot of energy is in the air like a tinderbox waiting for the spark. For the believer, it will be a year of visions and endings and beginnings as the changing of the guard gets completed (the old guard giving way to the new guard). In this life, there is no real ending only the new beginning at every ending. The final ending is with Christ's second coming. Thus we will see the end of some things and the beginning of new things like the changing of the seasons. Some things will end this year (2010) and in its place new things will take root. There may be a period of chaos during the transition but it is all under control by God who permits and foresaw this changes. In a time of change, the most important thing is to stay rooted to fundamentals – word, prayer, worship, etc. For those who have been faithful and waiting on the Lord, this season of change will be the launch of new things. I purposely use the word 'launch' rather than new beginnings as there is a preparation and prior beginning before launch – there is a framework already in place before a launch can take place. For those who have already prepared their boat and framework, this year will be the launch of that boat or ship. It is the season to launch into things that have been in the back burner being tested and established but now ready for the limelight.
The passing away of Oral Roberts is especially a prime tell-tale of the changing of guards.
My two recent dream visions seem to confirm this message. The first was a dream where I saw the back of a car with the "N" attached to it being removed, which symbolize the start of something new and official. The second was a flash vision seeing a black coffin being carried away, which symbolize the ending of something bad. These were shown before I read the 2010 New Year message.
- Apr 28 Tue 2009 07:02
Be Ready for Change
Be Ready for Change
- Apr 05 Sun 2009 14:24
The Last and Final Wave of Revival
I am beginning to understand more and more about my call. Some days ago I saw in a dream how Eagle was ministering to me and I heard or saw the words "IV Prama." I came to understand that it stands for the normal usage of "IV," as in "intravenous drips," which would mean an impartation of spiritual knowledge and revelation from him. But I first picked up that it stands for "international vision," that is, the spiritual impartation will lead to a knowledge of international vision. I believe this call is to cross countries, ethnicity, and church denominations.
It is related to the preparation of the last and final wave of revival on this planet Earth. Pastors cannot selfishly only think of their own flocks anymore, but they must recognize that there's only one Church in God and willing to give and sacrifice for the greater good in praying and ministering to the needs of other churches with the love of Christ. This last wave of revival will not be a one man's show, for it takes all the true believers and churches for the perfection of the Body of Christ.
Now is only a very humble, humble beginning, and many will not know it
or even despise it. Just like Christ was born in a manger, the greatest
event up to that point in history, but unknown to the majority of the
world. Just like people will think nothing good can come out of
Nazareth, but there was the place where the Savior of the world was
- Dec 01 Fri 2006 08:55
2007年主的話 / WORD OF THE LORD FOR 2007