愛恋 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語
《Descendants of the Son》



目前分類:猴媽代禱事項 (11)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

A sister in the Lord by the name of Allie in IL responded to my prayer request from World Prayer Team:

O you who hear prayer, to you all men will come. -- Psalm 65:2

I am asking that God will not only hear and answer your prayer, but that He will lovingly draw you to Himself throughout this difficult time. May you experience Gods love as you never have before.

Mum's and my friends Hank and Agnus also replied to my email prayer request:

Hi George,

We have already added you're needs to our prayer list. We feel privileged to trust and pray for God's healing touch on your  body. Proverbs 3:5,6

Thank you all, this is only a sampling, there are other encouragements from friends and family in God, these meant life to me.



"May you experience Gods love as you never have before."

This really touched me (sobs)~~


但是很阿們.   紅心

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1) 禮拜四再次複診小腿受傷問題, 可能決定到底是否免役.

2) 除了服役問題, 這兩天小腿痛到無法出門, 需要醫治解決根本問題.

3) 請為屬靈、情緒狀況、前景等狀況禱告. 近期會搬遷, 如無法免役8/2會入營.




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我今晚去醫院看醫生, 安排下禮拜二作胃鏡檢查, 然後下禮拜五複診, 我應該是有潰瘍. 我已領了一個禮拜的藥.

胃鏡的部份我是不會怕, 因為以前已經照過兩三次了, 和他作好朋友了.

不過胃這陣子真的很不舒服, 飯後很痛.

勞煩大家為我的醫療禱告. 謝謝!

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Just thought to write an update on my alternative military service
application process for prayer.

My draw result is out, I didn't get in the
foreign affairs unit as expected, so now I'm just classified as a regular
alternative service male, and I'll pick another unit again when the service begins at the initial training. I'll know my service start
date in early June (June 5 posted online as I was told). My health exam is
scheduled on June 9, which is the most crucial since the exam result
might alter my service. In the meantime before my service starts (i.e. if I
still need to serve
after the health exam), I am planning either to take some case work or

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1) 小腿韌帶長期受傷, 目前在看中西醫治療. 要看治療如何, 是否會大幅影響到全職服事工作. 如果會, 可能會找其他不需太多腳步活動的工作, 然後繼續做義工帶教會的青少年. 當初及現在都還是很確定神帶領我來這個禾場, 無論型態是否會變或變的如何. 但最重要的是受傷部位的醫治恢復.

2) 全職服事的工作, 目前大概事工的策劃進行都是要我一個人來, 需要神的智慧、策略和執行的勇氣毅力. 每天有喜樂感恩的心、完全交託的心、正確的心態來服事. 不看人、不看環境, 服事是出於單純愛神愛人的心.


1) 服事與個人身心平衡調適的越來越好, 時間管理也漸入佳境, 感謝主, 因著工作, 最近也都比較早睡. (Yah!)

2) (超感恩和感動) 前教會大姊寫信來問候我新工作近況, 看吧, 這就是為什麼我那麼愛她, 沒看走眼! 短短的幾句, 但超窩心的. I love YOU! 妳讓我記得妳!! 回信我說, "I miss you," 然後我知道她一定會為我禱告.

3) 夏天的陽光出現囉. 呵呵, 我超級喜歡溫哥華的夏天的, 天氣涼爽宜人, 這兒風光明媚(又在幫海角和梁文音打廣告)! 不過我那麼超級迷戀夏日, 卻一直直到今日才發現, 還要別人提起才驚覺太陽那麼晚下山, 要去好好享受! 心不曉得在想什麼比夏天更美的事哦... 哈哈!!! 傻瓜!!!  Tongue out

梁文音 - 風光明媚 (海角七號片尾曲)

「你也要試著 去欣賞 不完美的美」

想念的感覺, 有時也是可以這麼美妙、令人滿足. 因為是真心真意的、希望被思念的佳人, 會真的得到祝福, 得著快樂.

Miss YOU more than the summer sun.   Sun

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出於神的真的是只能說   真是太「神」了



祂的呼召沒有改變   但祂需要的是清潔合乎使用的器皿


很扯的是   早上Living Hope最愛的大姊給我的經文就是



不但如此   之前媽在禱告尋求時的領受也是

約書亞記裡以色列人要過約旦河   需要憑信心先踏入水裡   水才會分開




I love you!

約書亞樂團 Joshua - 榮美的救主 Beautiful Saviour

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Wow... 最後一次在猴媽愛戀部落格分享代禱事項已經是兩年多前了. 這幾年著手的事有神學院的神學研究碩士課程, 另一間聖經學院的學習, 和教會的兼職事奉. 我2009年本月(一月)從神學院畢業, 也結束我在教會的兼職領薪服事, 所以把前一陣子寄出的找工作代禱信也放上來. 希望大家能為猴媽禱告囉. 謝謝謝謝, 很多很多...!!  ^__^



I can't believe it has been over two years since I last posted my prayer requests here. I've been busy with my master of theological studies program, another Bible school program, and part-time work in my local church for the last couple years. I just graduated from my seminary this month (Jan 2009), (yay!!), concluded my paid part-time work in church, and thus looking for a fulltime ministry job now. I've pasted a prayer request email that I sent out a while ago here, thank you all for praying for me, I really appreciate it. It's been a while!!!  : )

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Prayer Request for Health:

There are currently three major body conditions that bother me the most:

1. A sharp pain in the depth of my right hip, and this pain stretches up to my right back all the way up to shoulder-high, but the most painful area is at the inner area of my right hip. This pain is there all the time, sometimes more painful, sometimes less, depending on how I sit, what I sit on, and other factors unknown now. This problem causes me to have pain whenever I sit, ie when I sit, the pain will start to increase until it becomes so excrutiating that I'll have to stand up to let it relieve very slowly. I have seen many doctors, they don't exactly know the nature this problem; they suspect it's a neuro pain. Right now a medication called Lyrica, for treating neuro pains, can relieve my pain a bit, but I've been taken it for over a month, it seems that it's not curing the root problem but just provide a temp relief. And another thing is I don't have this pain when I stand or walk, but I could feel something "wrong," or something "twisted" in my right hip area all the way up to my right back (a line). This pain sometimes makes me hard to sleep, I cannot lie on my right side. Also sometimes when it's very painful during daytime, I will not be able to do anything for a while, until the pain subsides gradually. There are certain postures that will cause this pain to aggravate, such as sitting with my legs crossed.


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The image “http://tkfiles.storage.msn.com/x1pYV_P2qyQYGfPc6uQfT6U-vidxk4msEk8X3njyCXvq7mtqX41Jf_eEM2Jc1ymFA61cEhkNUTpi-9qCzZOZPhwK7uoK36Y6jxND7Z2650keXI” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.



在抽了幾次血跟照完胃鏡後,專科醫師說看起來沒有大問題,但是我的症狀(二十四小時嘴巴會有酸酸的味道,叫嘔酸水)非常異常。他叫我增加兩倍的抑酸劑藥量(Nexium 40mg twice a day)試一個月看看,大概快三月底時開始。剛開始三四天情況有比照胃鏡前好一點,但五六天候就停止改善了,現在差不多快兩個禮拜也是都在維持這個狀態而已。後來看了家庭醫師,他說有可能要就這樣長期服用兩倍的藥劑,直到[如果]將來有更有效的藥出來,要不然就是開刀。目前比較好的地方是我可以比以前講較多的話,可以少量家教,食道的部位也比較不會痛了。但是嘔酸水還是不停止的(這點真的很不舒服),會常常咳嗽,還有其實講話量還是到一個限度,也不太能唱歌等。


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感謝大家對我長期無法正常講話病情的關心, 昨天我再去看了一個白人醫生, 他聽到我的病情後, 就馬上給我轉診到專科醫師那裡, 他說大概要一個月左右才能約到專科診治, 應該是會要照胃鏡, 然後應該是需要動手術.


我的問題是叫做「胃食道逆流病」(Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease; GERD), 有關的消息參

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請為猴媽能繼續領受信心 及醫治真理的啟示禱告,



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