愛恋 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語
《Descendants of the Son》



目前分類:他們的故事 (48)

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Jeremy Lin visited Taiwan June 10 17 and China June 18 25 as part of his annual Asia tour <br/>Reuters

Jeremy Lin, the renowned evangelical Christian and free-agent point guard, recently embarked on his annual tour of Asia, where he shared his testimony and opened up about his passion for spreading the Gospel throughout the world.

Last weekend, the basketball star flew to Taiwan where he coached a basketball camp in Kaohsiung before attending a Christian gathering to share his testimony, according to Focus Taiwan. Following the Taiwan leg of his tour, Lin traveled to Taipei where he held promotional events and a meet-and-greet and took part in a charity event and seminar. 

During an interview with Tian Wei in of CCTV News during the World Economic Forum in Tianjin, the 27-year-old athlete opened up about his Christian identity, his journey to the top as the first Chinese-American NBA player, and how he hopes to share the Gospel with the world.

"I think for me, slowly, as I got older, I learned to appreciate my identity in terms of who I am for myself versus allowing what other people think of me to shape who I am," he said. "A lot of that goes back to my faith. I'm a Christian, and so I always talk about how my identity comes first and foremost from Christ."

When asked about his future plans, Lin didn't hesitate to point to his passion for sharing the Gospel: "I want to bring Christ to parts of the world I feel like don't have access to understand what that's about," he said.  

"Underprivileged children are something that's very near and dear to me," Lin added. "I grew up with a lot of teammates who - their parents never drove them to games, or they didn't have parents, or they didn't sleep well at night because of gunshots...Once I saw how my teammates grew up, I knew I wanted to do something."

The athlete said he hopes to grow basketball in China as well: "Growing up the US, we're so spoiled, we have access to the best coaching," he told Wei. "My dream is, when I get old and have gray hair and everything, is to be able to see in the NBA a bunch of Asians. I want to see the Asians like we see the European players in the NBA. That would be awesome."

Lin, who gained a huge following in Asia during the heady days of "Linsanity" when he was with the Knicks in 2012, also reflected on the fleeting nature of happiness gained from success: "I asked myself, 'If being on top of the world isn't good enough, what is?' That's when I took a big step spiritually and started to really enjoy the moment, enjoy each day. Now, as I go through my life - like this past season with the Hornets - that was my most enjoyable season. It wasn't my best statistical season, or anything like that, but I appreciated each little moment...before I was too focused on the next thing to appreciate what I had now."

He added that he strives to exhibit humility in all areas of life: "The Bible talks about how humility is true greatness, and I always thought it was a form of strength. When I started to play in the NBA...the best players are the most arrogant, so I really had to ask myself a lot of questions. But I still think humility is a form of strength..[The Hornets did well this year] because we had humility. I think there's a big difference between being humble and being stepped on."

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球場起伏中不變的信念與前進動力 「不斷突破的豪生命」林書豪生命見證分享會於11日晚上7時30分在鳳山體育館舉行(晚上6時30分開放進場),此次籌辦的單位為高雄市聯合福音事工委員會與高雄市牧者合一協會,高雄市府會愛走動團契的基督徒議員們也全力相挺,扮演協辦角色。




憑票入場 鼓勵一領一、一領多 此次林書豪生命分享會需索票(酷卡)入場,由於11日晚間的分享會定位為佈道會性質,大會期待以福音朋友為優先進行邀請,鼓勵教會以「一領一(一位基督徒帶一位福音朋友)」或「一領多」(一位基督徒帶多位福音朋友)的認獻方式進行邀約與索票;一般民眾可至三民區明儀書店或苓雅區誠品書局大統店憑身份證索取(一人限兩張)。索票時間自五月31日下午7時起,索完為止。索票請洽(07)345-1919轉25林約瑟先生或0936-984192葉小姐。此次大會現場將不收奉獻,籲請眾教會與弟兄姊妹為大會所需代禱。

而為了滿足廣大球迷想要聽林書豪分享近況的需要,當天(11日)晚上7時30分起將由好消息電視台在YOUTUBE頻道上進行現場直播,網路直播最新訊息請關注 facebook「林書豪 傳好球,一起加油!」粉絲頁。


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神蹟?!美國一腦科醫生昏迷後離魂 宣稱看到天堂


據英國《每日電訊報》報導,美國著名腦外科專家埃本‧亞歷山大(Eben Alexander)近日發表文章稱,他2008年因腦膜炎陷入昏迷後曾有一段離魂經歷,並看到了天堂。



亞歷山大稱自己昏迷後來到一個充滿了白色和粉色雲彩的地方,見到一個有著藍眼睛的美麗女子,還看到許多閃光的生物。他寫道:鳥?天使?在回憶這段經歷的時 候我才想起這些詞,但它們都不足以精確描述那些東西。他們與我所知的地球上的任何生物都不同,他們可能處於更高級的生命形式。



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陶大偉的真實故事 ◎文/ 陳韻琳執筆

~ 文中「我」為陶大偉自稱



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上帝的神奇 豪小子。 (1:01:09豪小子即將出場) 「豪小子」於2012年9月2日,親自出席在新莊體育館舉辦的「奇蹟之夜--2012林書豪青年佈道會」。
轉貼:GOOD TV     ---------------------------相關閱讀(如下:) --------------

★2012.02.19(週日)揚威NBA 豪(Jeremy Lin) 讚!!

2012.08.04(週六)林書豪:I LOVE CHINA AIRLINES!

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FBI探員出書爆料 911現場看見守護天使!




李奧納蒂(Lillie Leonardi)在她退休後出版的新書《徽章下的陰影:一部靈異回憶錄》(In the Shadow of a Badge: A Spiritual Memoir)裡記載了這段陳述。由於「911恐怖攻擊」引發的「創傷後壓力」,讓她從聯邦調查局退休。




她在書中寫道:「然後白霧開始形成具體形狀。它移動著,漸漸變成奇特的白光。突然之間,它變成了完整的形狀。我看到了一群天使,他們站在墜機現場左邊的空地上。他們有好幾百個, 排成隊形。 後來有一群天使從霧中升起;他們是有著翅膀的大天使,正緩緩飛向天際。」

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時代百大:豪哥榜首 妮妮列名

中央社中央社 – 2012年4月18日 下午10:00


時代雜誌2012年全球百大人物(TIME 100)先開放網路票選,紐約尼克隊台裔美籍球星林書豪以近9萬票,名列第9。今天揭曉的最終版名單為加上時代雜誌(TIME)編輯加權結果,林書豪名列百人之首。


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NBA Rising Star Jeremy Lin Not Too Busy to Pray
12:58PM EST 2/15/2012 Gordon Govier

After Jeremy Lin set an NBA record for the New York Knicks with an incredible stretch of 109 points scored in his first four starts, and the New York Times included a link to StudentSoul in one of its Lin stories, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship's page views went through the roof. “Linsanity” it has been dubbed.

Because he was a varsity athlete, Lin's involvement in the Harvard-Radcliffe Asian American Christian Fellowship (HRAACF) and the broader Asian community at Harvard was somewhat limited, according to Adrian Tam, who was an HRAACF Campus staffer during that period.

“Jeremy was in the spotlight at Harvard before he was in the spotlight in the NBA,” Tam says. “He showed that Asian-Americans could be leaders, they could be athletic, and they could be bold and open about their faith in a winsome way.”

In a video testimony, Lin said he missed Christian community at Harvard until he connected with HRAACF. Tam became a spiritual mentor to Lin, meeting with him regularly, studying the Bible together and reading together such books as Too Busy Not to Pray. “He loved his roommates, spending lots of intense one-on-one time with them, leading investigative Bible studies with them, and just plain hanging out with them,” Tam says.

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林書豪(Jeremy Lin)是史上第一位打入NBA的台裔球員,也是自1954年以來,第一位打進NBA的哈佛大學畢業生!頂著如此稀奇的光環,林書豪卻很謙卑,因為他知道,是一股神奇的力­量一路牽引著他。林書豪在哈佛主修經濟、副修社會學,但他說,若有一天要高掛球鞋,他不會去當華爾街金童,而是要去傳福音、作見證。

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現在每位台灣人都有義務要知道誰是林書豪及他所代表的....!!!!!!! 連Kobe和湖人都打爆了. 對, 你沒聽錯, "Kobe". 賽前他指名未聞林最近的表現. 雖然K表現還是名副其實, 但相信賽後被這位黃皮膚個子又不大的台灣人技壓後, 我們不得不承認, 許多熱血真實的歷史正在被創寫. 此時此刻, 歷歷在目, 不用多說!!!!!

Glory to God in Whom Lin trusts and give credit to!!!

Yahoo新聞 - 作者: 倪芝蓉 | Yahoo!奇摩 – 2012年2月11日 下午12:24

〈NBA〉林書豪飆38分 Kobe成手下敗將

紐約新寵兒「台灣小子」林書豪持續創驚奇!狂飆生涯新高38分,率領尼克隊以92比85擊敗由Kobe Bryant領軍的洛杉磯湖人隊,中止自2007年以來雙方對戰9連敗,同時寫下4連勝佳績,平尼克本季最長連勝記錄。

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Why T.L. Osborn Is My Hero

Wednesday, 02 November 2011 10:02 AM EDT J. Lee Grady Newsletters - Fire In My Bones

Many healing evangelists have fallen from grace. This humble giant, at age 88, is finishing well.

I heard T.L. Osborn preach when I was a college student, and at the time I thought, That guy looks pretty good for an old man. That was 31 years ago. I sat down with this spiritual giant for an hour in his office in Tulsa, Okla., two weeks ago, and I thought, I hope I can keep up this guy's pace when I'm his age.

Osborn, who is 88, was born 29 years before the first commercial airliner took flight. Yet he and his immediate family have preached in 90 nations, and he took a trip to India last January. He is remarkably agile (he is strict about a healthy diet), his intellect is still sharp (he spoke fluent French and Spanish to international guests when I was with him) and he is as spiritually intense as ever.

「At a time when so many charismatic and Pentecostal ministers are going down in the flames of financial or moral scandal, T.L. Osborn gives me hope that I don't have to end up in failure.」

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Steve Jobs 賈伯斯 - 史丹佛畢業典禮演說 (15分鐘繁體中文字幕版)


我們每個人的生命都在寫一個故事, 但不是每個人的故事都有生命. 這個演說請多看看幾次.

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演唱: 璽恩 (約書亞)  專輯: 大衛帳幕的榮耀 第7輯【恢復榮耀Restoration】

我的名字 刻劃在你心中
我的臉孔 深映在你眼中
不是因為 我勢力才能
乃是因著 你奇妙寬容恩典

雖然有時 我會軟弱跌倒
你卻一直 包容不放棄我 

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喜悅集團董事長~黃馬琍 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8hGv3z9EA0



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"To those who have been a blessing to my life, thank you for your encouragement and the helping hand given to me at those critical moments in my life. To those who have strived with me in the past, thank you for the part you played in making me a better person through learning to allow the love of God to triumph in love and forgiveness. To those whom I may have caused hurt, I ask for your forgiveness and may God make each one of us a better more Christlike person for all eternity.

From eternity’s point of view, all our lives are but stories. Stories of our successes and stories of our failures; stories with tears and stories with laughter; stories of joy and stories of pain. But in the end there can and should only be one story. The story of how our Lord Jesus Christ triumphed through all our lives and succeeded in making us all conformed to His image in Christlikeness (Romans 8:28, 29). His Story in us."


I am forever grateful for Papa Father and how He has especially chosen this one for me

I will never be the same

Do you know that?

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Shiau Ting Liu 寫於 2011年6月27日 21:33








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中時電子報  更新日期2008/09/29  劉宜、王雨晴 / 綜合報導黃柏榮攝


鄭進一慈眉善目受洗  姜厚任笑虧上帝派強颱徹底洗罪孽








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「當你不害怕的時候, 所有的東西都攻擊不了你.」 -- 黃美珍

生命不一定戲劇, 但有許多不順遂的時候, 就會有感人的故事 http://youtu.be/IBkm--P4Iig 梁文音+黃美珍+李千娜.

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