I am beginning to understand more and more about my call. Some days ago I saw in a dream how Eagle was ministering to me and I heard or saw the words "IV Prama." I came to understand that it stands for the normal usage of "IV," as in "intravenous drips," which would mean an impartation of spiritual knowledge and revelation from him. But I first picked up that it stands for "international vision," that is, the spiritual impartation will lead to a knowledge of international vision. I believe this call is to cross countries, ethnicity, and church denominations.
It is related to the preparation of the last and final wave of revival on this planet Earth. Pastors cannot selfishly only think of their own flocks anymore, but they must recognize that there's only one Church in God and willing to give and sacrifice for the greater good in praying and ministering to the needs of other churches with the love of Christ. This last wave of revival will not be a one man's show, for it takes all the true believers and churches for the perfection of the Body of Christ.
Now is only a very humble, humble beginning, and many will not know it
or even despise it. Just like Christ was born in a manger, the greatest
event up to that point in history, but unknown to the majority of the
world. Just like people will think nothing good can come out of
Nazareth, but there was the place where the Savior of the world was
brought up. New Zealand has been predestined as the place where this
last revival will ignite. It will then spread to Australia and then all over
the world.
What can I say... "revival," a word that I longed for twelve years ago with such intensity and passion. Having seen the darkest hours in human history and the ugliest faces of
churchianity, it has now come full circle. God will purge His Church. She will finally be pure in
this last wave. All the blemishes of un-Christlikeness of
lovelessness and selfishness will be firmly dealt with, especially upon the leadership. God is gracious, but His grace period will still come to an end for those shepherds and fivefold ministers who still refuse to turn from their ways. God will raise
up genuine fivefolds and leaders after His own heart like David to replace the
Sauls that are not walking in the love of Christ. They will exemplify great humility and charity, that the world will know that it is not Elijah, but the God of Elijah.
Every one is important, everyone has their vitally significant role to play in the last wave. I am honored to be predestined to live in such a time as this, to do my little part. Many pioneers have come and gone, many will in the next decades or so. Without them, I can never, never fulfill my little part. I want to say "thank you," but "thank you" is never enough. The greatest appreciation I can show is do the same thing, faithfully do my little part so those who come after me will see that it is the God of all those great men and women of God. The world will see that it is Jesus.
Now let it continue to brew, the last, final and greatest wave of revival in the history of the Adamic Race. The time has come, the clock is ticking. Eyes have not seen nor ears heard. The End-Time Church will be perfected. It is not too far, the Bridegroom will come and take for Himself the most glorious and beautiful Bride of Christ.
何耀珊 - 你的肩膀
"If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants" -- Isaac Newton