
The night of Aug 1 to Aug 2, 2014, I spent the night outside of Okinawa airport, since it was not a 24/7 airport. This was due to a canceled Peach Airlines flight because of Typhoon.

I believe this was orchestrated by God, as Peach had no further flights to Taiwan, and we all had to re-book another airline to go back. They refunded us the airfare.

It happened that not too long fromo this time, a TransAsia (復興) plane crashed landed in 澎湖, and quite a few people died. God spoke to me that "revival" (symbolized by the airline's Chinese name) has to safely land in Taiwan, and I had to spend the night praying, book the ticket and make sure "revival" land safely in Taiwan this time. That night, it happened that there was a major gas explosion incident in kaohsiung. This was the work of the enemy, knowing that God is bringing revival to Taiwan.

The key message is: I must take TransAsia, as revival must land safely in Taiwan. This act has significant spiritual meaning unseen to the human eyes. It happend that the date that I safely landed in Taiwan with "Revival Airlines," it is Chinese Valentine's (Aug. 2, 2014).

The night when I prayed/slept outside of the Okinawa (Naha) airport, Singapore COG is also praying all night at exactly the same time.

The day I flew back with Reivival, it flew beautifully.

Below is a photo of the "wing of revivial" -- 復興的翅膀.







    創作者 猴媽 的頭像

    愛戀 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語

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