2013 - A Year of Death, Life and Resurrection
The beginning of shaking. All things that can be shaken will be shaken. All that can be removed will be removed. A time of great upheavals.
Key Word:
"Then suddenly.. !"
Deeper beauty of holiness and purity.
For those who continue to Love, either the entering of the call (e.g. Abraham entering Cannan when Terah was removed), or the fulfillment of the call (e.g. Isaiah entering into the fullness of his prophetic call when Uzziah was removed; David entering into the fullness of his kingly call when Saul was removed). It is the year of the release of mantles. Many are the mantles of those who were and are being removed.
Note: Not all who are removed this year have gone because of judgment, but some will be going home to glory because their work is finished. Things are beginning to accelerate more and more.