


Word of the Day from GOOD TV English Corner

When I came up with these sentences, I imagined that I am writing to my future "other half."



You will always be the stellar light in my little night sky, shining ever so brightly and warmly.



Time stood still when you are in close proximity to me.



I suddenly understood what King Solomon meant when I first saw you: by day, you are bright as the sun; by night, you are fair as the moon. I have become an outdoorsy person ever since then, because whenever you are not around, I would at least be able to see the sun and moon, and wish upon them that you are well.



Your tender kindness and generosity touched my heart in a way that can never be erased.



I thought I was about two paces from falling in love with you, but I was wrong, I am already there, waiting for you.



The sushi rice adheres to the nori, just like my heart longs to be close to your heart.



I will always remember when you lighted the menorah for me in the antique shop and looked back with a smile. At that moment, I couldn't tell if it was the soft candlelight or your smile that lighted up the entire room.



Thank you for the precious memories, I will cherish them, and you, deep in my heart. Now and always.



Distance will not lessen my affection for you.


[pay a call/visit]

You're not paying me a visit because you're not a visitor. You've stayed in my heart ever since last year's summer when you smiled and said "hello" to me.



I want to understand and love you more instead of quarreling.



Rest assured that God will never leave you nor forsake you—and by His grace, neither will I.


[look forward]

I am looking forward to seeing you.



Your smile will always captivate my heart.



The road ahead may seem foggy, but I will always stay by your side.



You are like a rose, always beautiful to me.



To say you are elegant is never enough.



You will always be my one and only valentine.


[guardian angel]

God has sent guardian (personal) angels to always keep watch over you and protect you, even though you cannot see them most of the time.


[White Day]

I pray that my love for you is as this day—White Day—always pure and divine.


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