There is nothing wrong with yoga as a pure exercise, because it is as it is, a pure exercise, just like there's nothing wrong with all other sports such as basketball, or swimming, or ice hockey.
Proper amount of exercise is good for the body and relaxes the mind and emotion, so this in turn can even benefit spiritually as one is in better physical and emotional condition for spiritual exercises.
Some Christians have an issue with yoga because of its religious origin thousands of years ago, thus, there are religious connotation it carries to the present day. Some type of yoga in certain places also has religious practices along with the physical exercise part. These I would not recommend either. I mean if you go to a yoga master who is a strong active Hinduism practitioner, who mixes yoga with Hinduism philosophy, and the class takes place in a room full of Hindu gods and plays religious music during class, then please do not take part in this type of yoga. But I believe you're not referring to this, but the most present western yoga classes and exercises are non-religious and just pure exercise, which I think is fine and good for the person, there's nothing in the Bible against such. As a pure exercise, the Bible is even for it. There are also Christian yoga teachers around. In fact, I don't think people are allowed to mix their religious beliefs in public classes.
I understand there are some cases that are not so clear-cut. If a Hinduism believer teaches a yoga class in a western community centre without any spiritual philosophy, would that be ok? I believe regardless of the background of the teacher, the most important thing is as long as it remains a pure exercise, the teacher is irrelevant in terms of doctrine or ethics, because exercise is ok. Just like if you go to a doctor who is a Buddhist, but your interaction with this doctor remains pure medicine, then it's fine. But if you personally don't like this doctor, or prefer a non-religious or Christian doctor and atmosphere, you can always change one.
If you want to be more conservative, and there are quite a number of Christians around you who is not supportive of yoga for spiritual reasons or they will be stumbled over because you took part in it, and your aim was only exercise and there are other good alternative options such as aerobics or the like, then you may want to consider taking the alternative. This approach is not because yoga exercise is wrong, but because you want to make peace with the people in your surrounding and there are other good options anyways. This is the principle of I Corinthians 8, the principle of not using one's valid right but consider others. But be cautious this principle is also balanced by other biblical principles, one cannot pull it too far. For eg, if a highly traditional fundamentalist Christian tells me I cannot watch movie or play video games because I'm a Christian, I would think this is too over. In this case, this certain Christian is the one who needs to grow up and let go of his/her traditionalist mindset and learn the basic teaching of the Bible.
Always aim at the ideal. Indeed, there are times when it is wiser to accommodate others for love's sake because they are weaker in conscience, in faith, in knowledge, etc. (I Cor 8:1-8). But remember, Paul's aim is to educate Christians to see that idols are nothing, so the food is ok. The ideal is so that Christians can grow up and no longer be weak. Here Paul is advocating the principle of being considerate of others, but definitely not advocating Christians remain weak and immature year after year. Also in practical application, it depends how far one can accommodate others, not everyone can be like Paul not to eat meat in the presence of the Corinthian church or for life. The best is always to grow up spiritually and recognize that the highest form of spirituality is always inward and spiritual, for one's holiness is not determined by what we do outwardly regardless how religious it may seem, but how we are transformed on the inside -- this is the model of Jesus (Matt 15:16-20), which we should imitate.
Hope this clarifies. I realize this is a bit lengthy, so re-read it a couple of times, and pray and ask God to give you wisdom to apply in your specific circumstance to achieve a good balance. I trust the leaders have good intention to protect you, and you also have good intention to seek after the truth while not being a rebel. So may God give you wisdom and grace, so you can make good choices and regardless of your decisions, always communicate with love and grace in the bond of peace. Let me know if you have further questions. : )
"Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one." (Col 4:6)
God bless.
愛恋 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語
《Descendants of the Son》
《Descendants of the Son》
- Nov 16 Sat 2013 16:06
On Yoga