
I dreamed of Steve Yzerman and young Mother Teresa a few weeks ago. Me being Stevie and Mother Teresa? Cannot recall the details exactly, but dreamed of them for sure. Somehow related to me.. I guess.


And on Oct. 19 night, I dreamed I was in front of my Surrey house cul de sac, together with Mum and Alice. It was qutie windy. Then my Mum and Alice went back to our house, I stayed outside a bit longer and was gonna go back in too I think, but then the winds suddenly became stronger and blew on me. It was so strong I couldn't move at all. I think it got to like a typhoon degree. I think in the dream I was thinking, or know, that the winds will get even stronger and blow me right up to the sky.


I interpreted this dream to be that the Lord is taking me out of my Vancouver home, and come to Tw. He will make sure I don't go back, for some purpose, unknown to me in detail yet.

    創作者 猴媽 的頭像

    愛戀 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語

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