Years ago I've posted a detailed blog on spiritual dreams and their interpretation. The interpretation applies to vision as well. Since my blog site has been changed from MSN Spaces to Wordpress, many of the links are not working, so here they are again.
Biblical Dreams & Interpretation
Note that even the revisions are over 4 years old, I could have used better examples, and new perspectives could be added. But the main ideas are still there.
Here just want to point out a few things about the interpretation part. There are some people whom God speaks more through dreams. It's just one of the ways that speak to different individuals. Just as some may receive more visions than others, or some may tend to hear God through spiritual voices or heart impressions. NEVER COMPARE OR BELITTLE ONE ANOTHER, both spiritual and natural talents. The way of God's kind of love is never to be jealous or proud, but to appreciate one another's gifts and learn to work together in meekness of heart. Our reward and progress in God is NOT measured in terms of the greatness or type of our gifting, but by our GROWTH IN LOVE and FAITHFULNESS. In other words, in what God has called us to BE--becoming the personification of love like Jesus Himself--and in what God has called us to DO--as Jesus completed what God the Father assigned Him to do.
There are some with a special gift to be able to view the dreams of others. Daniel was gifted in that. Through this particular dream gift, he was able to see King Nebu's forgotten dreams. And I do know people today who function in this special gift. There is a gift of interpretation of dreams and visions, which is similar to the interpretation of tongues. For example, Joseph has the gift of interpretation of dreams. But not all who have more visions and dreams have the gift of interpretation. In fact, most people I know who are more inclined to visions do not have the gift of interpretation. Even those who could see the dreams of others can miss the interpretation because it is just seeing the dreams but not interpreting them. However, the ability to interpret can be acquired through spiritual wisdom, knowledge, and experiences. In some circumstances, even those with the gift of interpretation like Daniel, it will take time before the understanding is given.
This is the reason for this post and the problem of many Christians today. They may receive the dreams and visions correctly, but the more complicated part is the interpretation. Sometimes they get part of the interpretation right, but partly off, sometimes they get mostly right, but sometimes they would miss the whole message of the dream because the interpretation was off in bulk.
The links posted in the beginning of this article explain in detail the biblical principles of interpretation. I know in reality, it is not easy to interpret even when familiar with the principles. If possible, try consulting people who understand in this area. But once again I know, not many people are equipped in this area, even ministers. So in many cases, what one can do is to read books, articles, teachings, prophecies with interpretation of mature prophetic voices, pastors and teachers. Re-read and study the principles, and read the examples and application of mature fivefolds (preferably prophets and teachers, as the former would have more experiences, and the latter can teach better). The interpretation is important not in itself, but for the sake of application. All dreams and visions would die prematurely if not applied, no matter how spectacular they may be. Be you doers and not only hearers of the Word. This is why, the interpretation is so vitally important and needed in the Body of Christ today. It's alright when the interpretation don't come immediately. Many important dreams take a long time to really see, even years. Remember Joseph dreamed about what would happen to him, his family, and the entire fate of the Israelites when he was 17. His dreams only came to pass 13 years later!! Be patient to continue to seek God the interpretation and right timing, the Holy Spirit would teach through various means.
God bless! : )
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《Descendants of the Son》
《Descendants of the Son》
- Feb 11 Fri 2011 14:49
The Interpretation of Dreams and Visions