海爸王見王 20101003 part 1 郭采潔 鄰家水女孩的秘密事?!
海爸王見王 20101003 part 2 郭采潔 鄰家水女孩的秘密事?!
真是巧合, 昨晚我才在想一件有趣的事
那就是, 其實我們都沒有真正的看過自己的面貌
我如果遇見我, 會是我平時想像的樣子嗎
我們每天看到的, 都只是反射 -- 鏡子的反射, 旁人瞳孔中的倒映, 和所有一切能反照的投影
而且反照出來的, 左右還是顛倒的
長大是學會原諒, 原諒很親的人, 原諒不熟的人, 還有原諒所有有意無意傷害你的人
「一個人心中有恨, 是一件很可怕的事」
眼睛長在自己的身上, 就因如此反而讓我們看不見真正的自己
但是如果這世上, 有一見神奇東西, 能夠讓我們認識自己
那是相信這世界上有真愛, 能夠真正的讓我們看清自我, 以致改變我們
因為反過來, 一個人心中有愛, 是一件很偉大, 比恨更有威力的影響力
真愛的出發點是原諒、是饒恕, 最後鬆綁釋懷而真心祝福
真愛的過程是學習諒解, 是學會擁有同理心
能夠完整的表達自己最傷心的事情, 也能夠體會別人難以表達的痛苦
唯有一天發覺愛有一個原點, 「它」不單單是個能量或態度
直到認識祂, 我們才會明白為什麼愛讓我們長大
讓從前盲目的我們, 終於能看見自己真正的面貌, 探清生命的深度和寬廣
這面神奇的「鏡子」, 讓我們觸碰了自己的臉的同時, 也解開了我們一層層包裝複雜的心
第一次能夠雙手捧著自己的臉頰, 第一次能夠感受到深藏內裡的溫度, 還有擁抱全部全部的我
不再只是個倒影, 是真實的我們
原諒別人, 也原諒自己, 原來是個能讓我們看的清清楚楚的快樂眼藥水!!
郭采潔 - 我如果遇見我
[From Ps Tan's diary -- viewing things from God & Heaven's (the Spiritual World) perspective]
Walking in Love – 11th October 2010
One of the most beautiful stories in the Bible is the story of the woman who washed Jesus』s feet with her tears and hair (Luke 7:36-50). In the end the measure of this life that we live is not so much whether we have become famous, rich or powerful but it is whether we have grown to love God more and also learned to love people more. Our final destiny is to be like Jesus (Romans 8:29). The greatest is always the love of God (1 Corinthians 13:13). Most people do not realize it but the pathway to growing in love is not made up of smooth stone paths easy to walk. The pathway to growing in love is through tribulations (Romans 5:3-5).
The woman who washed Jesus』s feet was misunderstood, written off by society and yet she pursued in her love for Jesus. How easy it is to be misunderstood in this world by people who take situations, words, actions out of context. Thankfully, God knows what is in everyone』s heart and judges righteously unlike humans who judged through the lenses of their own lives and belief system. The essence of this story is that this woman knows that the only person who loved her and understood her was Jesus. Have you ever felt like the only one who love you and understands you is God and God alone? Well, this woman felt like that and knew that Jesus was the only one who can forgave all her sins and bring her to the place where she can be with God. Jesus said that to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little (Luke 7:47). In the sight of God, this woman loved God and Jesus more than Simon or any of the people and Pharisees present in that house on that day. If everyone had died on the spot that day, this woman would have ascended to the highest realms of heaven as progress in heaven is measured by our love and not by any other human measurement system. Many of us cry to want to love God more and God answers the prayers by allowing situations where we seem unlovable to people and confront hate and despise from others. It is the same way God answers prayers for patience by allowing situations that cause us to need the exercise of patience. For it is when we seem to be unlovable to others that we naturally receive the most hatred, malign and evil speaking from people. Note that the greatest extreme persecution is when people hate you, exclude you, revile you and cast your name as evil (Luke 6:22), that you receive the greatest reward from God. It is in such situations that our only response must be to focus on loving God and loving people. Never ever respond hate with hate, evil with evil, revile with revile but rather choose to give love back when people pour hatred and rejection at you. This is the way of the cross.
At the end of the day, it is not how perfect or imperfect our lives have been, nor how much we have accomplish or accumulate on this earth but how transformed are we to the love of God. When we respond only with God』s unconditional love to all, we truly are transformed into the character and image of Christ. And loving people and loving God unconditionally is not an easy thing to the flesh, for if it is so everyone would be doing it. It takes the spiritual life of Christ within us to arise and give forth love and to respond with love to all situations. When you pray the prayer for more love and more growth in God』s love, God will create and allow situations where we have the opportunity to love others unconditionally and supernaturally. Love can only grow through tribulations. When it is tough to love, that is when love needs to grow and expand within us. And we all have the potential to do so for we are all born with the life of God within us and the love of God has already been shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5). Focus on living in forgiveness, forgive everyone whether they deserve it or not, and receive God』s unmerited forgiveness for yourself through His unconditional love. For to grow in forgiveness, both receiving it from God and also giving it to all, is the key to growing in love. When we have greatly forgiven, then we have greatly loved. And the greatest is love. Amen.