Nov 1, '07
= )
我曉得我的Orange Days完之後, 生命的下一章是什麼了.
我還不是很清楚了解這個的意義, 但我很期待, 感人的真實生命故事.
Nov 2, '07
活在最現實的世界裡, 我學會愛的光輝是如此的燦爛.
Nov 3, '07
你知道關於一些耶穌的事, 但你過的不開心.
你知道信耶穌應該是愉快的, 但你找不到出口.
耶穌說, 我愛你, 我真的愛你.
我的愛, 是完全接那, 包容你的一切不美麗.
因為我覺得你很漂亮, 很美麗.
去吧, 喬治.
讓我來擦乾你的眼淚, 喔我的主.
Nov 4, '07
「GTO麻辣教師」還不錯看, 哈哈.
Nov 6, '07
I need to meet Jesus at the Cross, at the empty tomb, and at the heavenly places, seated with Him.
Let the revelation of the Cross come and be in my heart forever.
Today I dreamed seeing people training a number of pigs ninjutsu (ninja arts). The people training them were Christians, and I especially remembered this pastor's wife there, and I was there too. After a training session, all of the pigs, they look more like swines, learned and responded to the head trainer, who was the pastor's wife that I saw, that they have learned the technique, except one swine. Then in shame, this swine began to run around the place trying to hide himself. His figure became smaller trying to hide, but found no where to hide. The head trainer was scolding him for not able to do this jutsu because all the others could. Then he just laid on the floor motionless like dead and completely despondent. Then I went over to him, and petted him, and spoke words of kindness and encouragement to him. Then he became a bit more alive, although still on the ground. I especially remembered that I said something like don't worry if he doesn't seem to have learned the particular ninjutsu, which was 影分身術 (shadow replication), he could only do a very imperfect and shabby replication, and the rest could do it very well. Then the dream ended, but in the dream, I knew that this swine later became the most powerful swine among them, despite his earlier failure.
Interpretation: I really felt like this swine was this particular person. And obviously the storyline is from Naruto, how he was rejected for not being able to perform the replication jutsu, but later became a master at it, and one of the most powerful ninjas around, superseded the rest.
人最需要的是被了解, 被接那, 被愛, 被關心.
今天你如果碰到一個真正願意去了解, 去聆聽你的人, 請好好把握, 請好好珍惜.
這樣的人, 這世界不多.
這樣的人, 觸碰耶穌的心.
Nov 7, '07
喜歡羽毛剪, 可愛可愛!
Nov 15, '07
My Life Mission Statement:
- To enjoy God and love Him and people forever
"Jesus answered him, 'The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these'" (Mark 12:29-31).
- To fulfill the Perfect Will of God for my earthly life
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom 12:1-2).
- To live a life of worship in all that I desire, think, say, and do
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ" (Col 3:23-24).
- To be like Jesus Christ
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Gal 2:20).
Nov 16, '07
Nov 17, '07
Hello First Love!!
Love will always result in joy at the end.
Oh Christmas is coming, I love the feeling of it so much, not because of the holiday commercialism, but just because I know the real meaning of Christmas. It's so true, so refreshing, so enlightening, and so happy as always.
The coming of this "nobody" 2,000 years ago in a shabby manger, who brought life and love to my life and the whole world by showing me Love: Jesus Christ.
Nov 19, '07
同心協力: 團結一致,共同努力。
Nov 23, '07
Nov 25, '07
Nov 27, '07
It was interesting that I was hearing this pastor sharing how God used him to sense the spirit of death through a bitter spiritual taste in the mouth (one of the manifestations of the gift of Discerning of Spirits in 1 Cor 12). Through the many sicknesses that I have, I have also discerned that one of the main reason was a spirit of death, working under the spirit of Jezebel, working indirectly, wanted me to die and not just being sick from other spirits of infirmities. And the strange stomach reflux causes a sour bitter taste in my mouth all the time. It's just a strange and interesting coincidence and feeling. I think God is trying to speak some point to me that I am not understanding fully yet.
Nov 28, '07
這一切真的都超神奇的, 都是後來才發現的. 我的屬靈「長假」剛好四十個月, 然後緊接著「橙色歲月」從2006年九月開始, 剛好是Living Hope小組開始的月份...
爸比, 你是全宇宙最浪漫的導演.
Nov 30, '07
= )
我曉得我的Orange Days完之後, 生命的下一章是什麼了.
我還不是很清楚了解這個的意義, 但我很期待, 感人的真實生命故事.
Nov 2, '07
活在最現實的世界裡, 我學會愛的光輝是如此的燦爛.
Nov 3, '07
你知道關於一些耶穌的事, 但你過的不開心.
你知道信耶穌應該是愉快的, 但你找不到出口.
耶穌說, 我愛你, 我真的愛你.
我的愛, 是完全接那, 包容你的一切不美麗.
因為我覺得你很漂亮, 很美麗.
去吧, 喬治.
讓我來擦乾你的眼淚, 喔我的主.
Nov 4, '07
「GTO麻辣教師」還不錯看, 哈哈.
Nov 6, '07
I need to meet Jesus at the Cross, at the empty tomb, and at the heavenly places, seated with Him.
Let the revelation of the Cross come and be in my heart forever.
Today I dreamed seeing people training a number of pigs ninjutsu (ninja arts). The people training them were Christians, and I especially remembered this pastor's wife there, and I was there too. After a training session, all of the pigs, they look more like swines, learned and responded to the head trainer, who was the pastor's wife that I saw, that they have learned the technique, except one swine. Then in shame, this swine began to run around the place trying to hide himself. His figure became smaller trying to hide, but found no where to hide. The head trainer was scolding him for not able to do this jutsu because all the others could. Then he just laid on the floor motionless like dead and completely despondent. Then I went over to him, and petted him, and spoke words of kindness and encouragement to him. Then he became a bit more alive, although still on the ground. I especially remembered that I said something like don't worry if he doesn't seem to have learned the particular ninjutsu, which was 影分身術 (shadow replication), he could only do a very imperfect and shabby replication, and the rest could do it very well. Then the dream ended, but in the dream, I knew that this swine later became the most powerful swine among them, despite his earlier failure.
Interpretation: I really felt like this swine was this particular person. And obviously the storyline is from Naruto, how he was rejected for not being able to perform the replication jutsu, but later became a master at it, and one of the most powerful ninjas around, superseded the rest.
人最需要的是被了解, 被接那, 被愛, 被關心.
今天你如果碰到一個真正願意去了解, 去聆聽你的人, 請好好把握, 請好好珍惜.
這樣的人, 這世界不多.
這樣的人, 觸碰耶穌的心.
Nov 7, '07
喜歡羽毛剪, 可愛可愛!
Nov 15, '07
My Life Mission Statement:
- To enjoy God and love Him and people forever
"Jesus answered him, 'The first of all the commandments is: 'Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. And the second, like it, is this: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these'" (Mark 12:29-31).
- To fulfill the Perfect Will of God for my earthly life
"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God" (Rom 12:1-2).
- To live a life of worship in all that I desire, think, say, and do
"And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance; for[a] you serve the Lord Christ" (Col 3:23-24).
- To be like Jesus Christ
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me (Gal 2:20).
Nov 16, '07
Nov 17, '07
Hello First Love!!
Love will always result in joy at the end.
Oh Christmas is coming, I love the feeling of it so much, not because of the holiday commercialism, but just because I know the real meaning of Christmas. It's so true, so refreshing, so enlightening, and so happy as always.
The coming of this "nobody" 2,000 years ago in a shabby manger, who brought life and love to my life and the whole world by showing me Love: Jesus Christ.
Nov 19, '07
同心協力: 團結一致,共同努力。
Nov 23, '07
Nov 25, '07
Nov 27, '07
It was interesting that I was hearing this pastor sharing how God used him to sense the spirit of death through a bitter spiritual taste in the mouth (one of the manifestations of the gift of Discerning of Spirits in 1 Cor 12). Through the many sicknesses that I have, I have also discerned that one of the main reason was a spirit of death, working under the spirit of Jezebel, working indirectly, wanted me to die and not just being sick from other spirits of infirmities. And the strange stomach reflux causes a sour bitter taste in my mouth all the time. It's just a strange and interesting coincidence and feeling. I think God is trying to speak some point to me that I am not understanding fully yet.
Nov 28, '07
這一切真的都超神奇的, 都是後來才發現的. 我的屬靈「長假」剛好四十個月, 然後緊接著「橙色歲月」從2006年九月開始, 剛好是Living Hope小組開始的月份...
爸比, 你是全宇宙最浪漫的導演.
Nov 30, '07