Written by: Joseph Sabolick
F C/A Bb C
Come just as you are
Dm7 C/E F Bb Bb/D C
Hear the Spir-it call
F C/A Bb
Come just as you are
Gm7 F/A
Come and see, come receive,
Bb Csus4 C
Come and live for-ev - er
Bb F Dm7 C Bb F Dm7 C
Life everlasting, and strength for today
Bb Dm7 Gm7 Csus4 C
Taste the Living Water, and never thirst a-gain
Come just as you are
Hear the Spirit call
Come just as you are
Come recieve, Christ the King,
Come and live forevermore
© 1993
- Maranatha Praise, Inc.
CCLI# 1189479
出處:Crystal Lewis