愛恋 ‧ 情曲 ‧ 神の語
《Descendants of the Son》



目前分類:他們的詩詞言語 (70)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

... You Are ...

... You are strong ...
When you take your grief and teach it to smile.

... You are brave ...
When you overcome your fear and help others to do the same.

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猴媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Awe... 猴媽舉雙手雙腳推薦的文章...! 我的掛啦!!

文章摘自: http://www.fhl.net/main/writer1/writer11056328.html



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    "My argument against God was that the
universe seemed so cruel and unjust. But how had I got this idea of just and
unjust? A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a
straight line. What was I comparing this universe with when I called it unjust?
If the whole show was bad and senseless from A to Z, so to speak, why did I,
who was supposed to be part of the show, find myself in such violent reaction
against it? A man feels wet when he falls into water, because man is not a
water animal: a fish would not feel wet. Of course I could have given up my

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Relish cleaning the toilets and dirt as though that was the most beautiful job in the world and call it all a tribute to God. To some we are wasting our precious life and burying our talents.

Yes, our lives are utterly wasted if we use only the light of reason. Our life has no meaning unless we look at Christ in His poverty.

Our beautiful work with and for the poor is a privilege and a gift for us. I think that if we go to the poor with that love, with only the desire to give God to them, to bring the joy of Christ (which is our strength) into their homes, if they look at us and see Jesus and His love and compassion in us, I think the world will soon be full of peace and love.

Truly, the tenderness of God's love is most extraordinary. When we look at the cross, we know how much Jesus loved us then. When we look at the tabernacle, we know how much He loves us now. Be alone with Jesus. Then your hearts will feel the joy that only He can give.

Try to put worship into practice in your life. You will notice a change in your life, in your family, in your parish, and in your environment. The Church is each one of us--you and I

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The image “http://byfiles.storage.msn.com/y1pwC4K9_ew_KzLQtr2s4Jk26z5pJ5kFTh-kzQjxM9iYZysZtqe7TC_5QCRfuSIx1x0trOWx_kYW6E” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


(The above picture courtesy of Wayne) 



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【編譯Rocky Chiu/Evangelical News二月二十六日報道】多位知名聖經學者和考古學家評論說:「名導演占士金馬倫(James Cameron)以及Discovery Channel宣稱藏有耶穌骸骨的墓穴是假的。」

《What Have They Done With Jesus》作者威瑟林頓博士(Dr. Ben Witherington)和阿斯畢理神學院(Asbury Theological Seminary)的新約聖經教授說:「很不幸地,這個故事充滿漏洞、猜測和疑問。無疑這是一部很好的電視製作,歷史解讀卻差強人意。基本上,今次只是舊聞新解。自1980年,我們確實已經發現這墓穴,而各樣因素證明了這個發現並無明顯用處。

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The image “http://tkfiles.storage.msn.com/x1pYV_P2qyQYGfPc6uQfT6U-rJKNeYqoNyvDin5HHDoMfHr53kSHS2rEFb8aiYHaag3CKDh3RuPCnFg8ABdeRxvbL2Np2-w1zNTT9hb2_wvAv68zlvD4joJMw” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.



美國詩人  羅勃.佛洛斯特:沒有走的路
Robert Frost's known poem: The Road Not Taken


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The image “http://tkfiles.storage.msn.com/x1pYV_P2qyQYGfPc6uQfT6U-vjybApCtXVhYkSVApJx7wb9zGdv6w3X54SJsNP9mPGyGYCpWVFdTP3LD1JAKKoW2FssF5XDdCvCKBz2biSeypOXVmOO1Qh0Hg” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


2006-03-17 08:34 Posted.

猴媽 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hunter Adams. You've been accused of practicing medicine without a license.
That's a very grave charge, son. Are you aware that it's unlawful to practice medicine without a medical license?

Yes, sir, I am.

Are you aware that running a medical clinic without the proper licensing... can place both you and the public... in a great deal of danger?

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