Excerpt from The Road to Glory
Visions of Revival in the Fourth Phase of Ministry
As I write this portion of autobiography (April 2008 at present time of writing this section), it is written looking forward to glimpses of things that will result within and from the fourth phase of ministry. Obviously, at this time I cannot write it as a historical account but only as a glimpse into the future as shown to me by God. When some of these things have taken place, we will write other books looking into the historical occurrences which God orchestrates. There are many and varied visions and glimpses of the future that God has shown and permission is granted only to share some of these. Others will be shared when the fullness of time comes.
The visions that have occurred are of three different groupings: those that are of a specific nature which are like images of actual specific events taking place in the future, those that are of a symbolic spiritual nature (for example, a vision of a gushing river from heaven flowing over parts of the earth), and those that are conditional promises which show the possibilities dependent on the success of influencing human choices in the right direction. The other factor in the visions is that the concept of earthly time does not exist in the Spiritual World; therefore when the Lord Jesus, angels and spirits speak to me of future events, the application of our earthly measurement of time to that of prophesied events is a subjective rather than an objective application. Nevertheless, in regard to these visions, there is no question as to whether they will occur but rather when they will occur.
Visions of Two Healing Waves of Revival
There will be a first wave of healing revival of such power that we will see all the healing signs and wonders that Jesus performed in His earthly ministry: the blind see, the dumb speak, the deaf hear, the paralysed raised and a few raised from the dead (Luke 4:18-19; 7:21-23). Signs and wonders are not an end in themselves; they are signs which point to the message of God’s Word. They are the Holy Spirit bearing witness to the message of the Word of God (John 5:36; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Hebrews 2:4; 1 John 5:6-8). The word that was used to refer to these signs and wonders that will take place in the first wave of healing was the word ‘notable miracles’ (Acts 4:16). I was informed that these notable miracles have already been predestined by God and those whom God has desire to perform these mighty works in their lives have already been chosen and ordained (John 9:3; Ephesians 2:10). Their testimonies of the greatness of God’s love towards them and His mighty works of miracles upon them will cause the faith of others to increase such that it would be a ‘common’ thing to see the blind see, the dumb speak, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the paralysed raised.
As a result of the faith level increase of the first wave of healing, God will do more and more special miracles many of which have not been seen before (Acts 5:15-16; 19:11). The Word of God will grow and prevail (Acts 19:20). At the peak of the first wave of healing miracles, God will release a second wave of signs and wonders. The second wave of miracles will include creative healings. People whose limbs have been amputated will receive new limbs and those who have had their physical organs removed or become dysfunctional through sicknesses will receive new organs and tissues. There are a series of rooms in the Spiritual World where the limbs, organs and tissues are being prepared which will be released to the earth as gifts to the recipients during the creative miracle waves. I was informed that only a few believers have touched the fringe of this creative healing wave and that God desires to show His abundant love, grace and mercy to His people but the unbelief of people are preventing Him from working mightily (Mark 6:6). This attitude of unbelief will be broken through the first wave of healing miracles and then the second wave of creative signs and wonders will be demonstrated by the Holy Spirit.
Visions of a Harvest of Souls and Churches
At the beginning of the church in Acts, after the prayer of 120 disciples in the upper room, there was a harvest of 3,000 souls to the Lord (Acts 2:41). After the notable miracle at the Gate, the number of souls increased to 5,000 (Acts 4:4). After the re-structuring of the church with new ministries added, the church multiplied (Acts 6:7). If they had multiplied by 2 (double) it would have doubled to 10,000 and if they had multiplied by 4 (quadrupled), they would have been 20,000 strong. Mega churches were normal and common phenomena in the book of Acts. In visions of this coming wave of revival, I saw churches that grew to be 100,000s in attendance and even millions of souls. Churches of more than a million members were not unusual during this great revival. The fivefold ministry was fully restored and travelled (some supernaturally) in teams throughout the earth sharing the gospel of Christ.
In one particular vision, as one of the churches with over a million members were worshipping, there was a great supernatural earthquake and the entire city and its surroundings came under conviction by the power of the Holy Spirit (Acts 16:25-26). If you have never seen millions of people fall under the power and conviction of the Spirit, you will see it in this coming wave of revival. The entire city and its surroundings were brought to a halt under the power and conviction of the Holy Spirit. Like in the Welsh revival, righteousness came to entire cities and communities and the praises of God were present everywhere. People of all professions and talents were tapping on their skills supernaturally and doing things beyond the knowledge and advancement of the natural and secular world. In a vision glimpse of one such meeting of architects and engineers who were anointed by the Holy Spirit, they were discussing and planning an auditorium seating one million people.
A Great Wave of Love
Although the number of believers increased exponentially during the great healing signs and wonders revival, there was also a deep unity and love amongst them. Many who were wealthy used their abundance to help the poor, needy and sick. There were many orphanages and super hospitals which catered for all of the spirit, soul and bodily needs of patients using both the latest medical inventions, natural healings and prayer for the sick. In many instances, as they were feeding the poor and hungry, God multiplied their resources supernaturally. Some may wonder why God needs to use hospitals when there is a great wave of healing revival. From the Spiritual World perspective, healing using natural means and healing using spiritual means are not opposed at all. Both are from God and they are for the restoration of the human body but operate within their boundaries (natural law within the natural law of substances and spiritual law by the operation of spiritual principles). God was also releasing, in the supernatural wave of healing, a natural healing wave: new insights and understanding into natural substances and these new discoveries and knowledge were being applied for the benefit of humans by believers skilled, talented and anointed in those areas.
During the waves of this revival, people valued spiritual things more than natural things and many of them shared all that they had with one another in the love of Christ (Acts 4:34). There was a great spiritual unity that went beyond all natural and social barriers (John 17:20-24). There were manifestations of God’s glory and it was like a cloud had covered all the people as they gathered together in worship and fellowship. Many visions and visitations were given to the people, especially to the children and the youth, as they were taken by angels and ministering spirits into the heavenly realm. Sometimes the glory of the Lord would remain for days upon such and there was a supernatural light that constantly surrounded them for some time after their spiritual experiences.
Harvest of Souls from Non-religious Backgrounds
One of the things the Lord showed me was the three waves of spiritual hunger and revival which affect the world and the church differently. The first wave began in the mid-twentieth century. In the church it resulted in the various expansions of Pentecostal, Charismatic and renewal movements that impacted on Christendom. In the world, there was a growing spiritual hunger which unfortunately led some into the occult and new age movement. Towards the end of the twentieth century (about a forty year cycle in each wave), there was a second wave that came forth from the Spirit realm. In Christendom, instead of hungering for more of God and pressing deeper into Him, many did not yield correctly to this second wave and instead hungered for outward and worldly success. On the other hand, those in the world who felt the hunger of God began to have an interest in Jesus and God, with many finding the truth in Jesus. The Holy Spirit also began to reveal Jesus to all those outside traditional Christianity; especially the truths of loving God and Jesus and loving one another. There is a third wave coming which will bring those within the church who stayed true to the Word of God and kept their spirituality, in spite of the worldliness of the church, and those who already have a measured revelation of Christ outside Christendom into the full measure of the stature of Christ. The two healing waves are part of this third wave of spiritual hunger and desire in God. There will be many, many people who have not attended traditional church before, and who have no religious affiliation, who will be part of this pure, undefiled Bride of Christ. These will be joined to those who have been labouring within the ecclesiastical church and who continue to grow in their love for God and the Lord Jesus Christ. So great was this harvest of souls that church buildings could not contain them.
Fivefold Ministers going forth in Teams
During this great revival, many fivefold ministers travelled together in teams and went all over the world preaching and teaching the Word of God. It was just like Luke chapter 9 and 10, and Matthew 10 where Jesus was sending out His disciples two by two; only this time the disciples were the fivefold ministers travelling to all the four corners of the earth perfecting the church through the power of the Holy Spirit. Some of these teams were carried by the Spirit like Philip and taken from one place to another in an instant (Acts 8:39). Most of the teams consisted of two or three people and I did not see anyone alone by themselves. Remarkable signs and wonders were done through the power of the Holy Spirit. Many angels were working alongside the fivefold ministers and some were permitted by God the Father to manifest themselves in various ways.
The above are some of the visions which God has shown in regard to the work of God in these coming decades. For the moment, we conclude this book with a quote from Ephesians 4:11-13:
"And God gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."