A few nights ago as I was listening to a message, I was deeply, deeply touched. Mist was heaping up in my eyes.
What could have cost thousands of dollars and more, not to mention the tremendous amount of time it would take, and even if I could afford financially, I could not buy what I got for millions or billions of dollars. Relationships and pure revelation can never be bought.
But everything was.. absolutely all of it was free.... it cost me nothing, only tears of thankfulness that is beyond expression.
Right at that moment I sensed an angel, probably my angel, standing beside my bed, relaying to me, reminding, the same message that has been impressed in my heart before.
I know deep in my spirit that, that is the true standard of the Word of God. Ministry is for free. When people cannot afford, when people are in difficulties, we just want to bless them with 100% pure love. True enough, some people will take it lightly without appreciation, but that is another issue. It's free, but it's not cheap. In fact, it's the most valuable thing one can ever have in all the eternities.
Lord, I covenant with You that the ministry that I have received from You will always be given for free with all my heart. Not in it for business or personal gain, profit or fame, none of it. For You have set a prime example of giving what was most dear to You, Your Only Son Jesus, for free, freely.
"He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?" (Rom 8:32)
親愛的天父, 有一天我也會這樣對你說: