Article from Fatherly Talk
Dearly Beloved,
The victory of Jesus Christ at the cross and resurrection was all traced to His humility (Philippians 2:8-9). Humility is the key to permanent and eternal victory in life. At times, it looks like Jesus was losing when He went to the cross – His disciples fled and left Him, the crowds who used to follow Him dispersed, it looks like the end for Him at the Sanhedrin trial and the trial under Pontius Pilate, and He looked so helpless at the cross unable even to quench His thirst. Yet, because He humbled Himself, God the Father was watching every event and released all the resources of heaven to ensure that Jesus Christ of Nazareth was raised and crowned for His meekness and humility. The way of humility was not an easy road, but it is the only road that is sanctioned by God. If anyone wants to see 100% of God's help, they must relinquish 100% of their own defence allowing themselves to be humbled (humiliated). Yes, part of humility is being humiliated by others and not reacting in any way except love.
Humility is the doctrine of turning the other cheek (Matthew 5:39). It is not easy turning the other cheek because we all naturally want to fight back. In these days of independence and rights, everyone wants what they deserve and no one is willing to suffer wrong. There is a place and a time for such but even when that comes around, the attitude is never out of anger or reaction but rather from meditation and action. Paul in correction of the Corinthians spoke of the shame of Christians going before the unrighteous to pursue after worldly things (1 Corinthians 6:1-5). Paul was not against a negotiated settlement between believers but he was against brother going against brother before unbelievers (1 Corinthians 6:5-6). He clarifies that it was already a failure for them go after one another and went as far as to advocate that the meeker or stronger or more humble accept wrong unjustly (1 Corinthians 6:7-8). When Jesus was asked to be an arbitrator in an inheritance issue between brothers, He refused and instead warn against covetousness saying one's life does not consist of the abundance of things he possesses (Luke 12:15). This is a verse that many carnal Christians who are only after prosperity should re-read. In the natural, it was only right that the man's brother received his rightful inheritance but apparently to Jesus, suffering loss is no big deal.
In reading the doctrine of turning the other cheek and willingly being defrauded, I am sure many Christians are wondering how far they should go in this. There are two principles that are juxtaposed in balance. One is the principle of knowing our rights and inheritance in Christ, the other is the principle of not pressing for it when it comes to natural (and unimportant to Jesus) things. Are they really opposing? No. It is still important to know our rights and inheritance in Christ and all of our rights as Roman citizens (representative of citizens of any country). Even Paul learned to use his Roman citizenship to advantage (Acts 16:37; 22:25-29). The underlying harmony of when to exercise our rights and when to let it go in meekness and humility is as follows:
1. When it is a matter of no spiritual gain, let it go.
2. When it costs your sanctification and your holiness, let it go. (In other words, if you have to stoop down to the low level, below the belt, unethical and unedifying methods of getting what is your right, let it go).
3. When you have to stop walking in the love of God, let it go. (To retain the ability to walk in love to God and to all men is more important for eternity's sake).
4. When you have to destroy another person, let it go. (We should never destroy another person or life in the pursuit of our rights and gain).
5. When it does harm to God, our Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit and to God's name, let it go.
6. When letting go endangers you and your family, hold your ground.
7. When letting go compromises the Word, ethics, morality and justice, hold your ground.
8. When letting go destroys the kingdom of God, hold your ground.
9. When letting go allows the devil and demons to reign, hold your ground.
10. When not doing right is sin including the sin of omission, hold your ground.
Having expressed some balance in the tension between the necessity to hold our ground when it is the right thing to do versus the ability to turn the other cheek, we should always make our default mode meekness and humility. It is only once in a while when occasion demands of us that we, the lamb, turn into the lion of God. We are sheep by default and nature not lions. Jesus was the Lamb of God and the Lion of Judah but it was Him as the Lamb of God that the fate of the Universe stands (Revelation 5:1-6). The praise and worship to Jesus was 『Worthy to the Lamb」 and not 「Worthy to the Lion」 (Revelation 5:12). It is better to receive than to grab. The Lamb of God received power, riches, wisdom, strength, honour, glory and blessings. It is RECEIVE and not TAKE. Jesus our Lord won it through His humility (Philippians 2:9-11).
Jesus could have taken it all unto Himself. He could have called on the Father and twelve legions of angels would come to His aid (Matthew 26:53). Jesus could have come down from the cross when they challenged Him. Jesus could have done many things to take His kingship and authority. But No, He chose to be a humble servant coming not to be served rather to serve (Matthew 20:28). Jesus conquered by His humility and His love, thus He truly won. If He had conquered by His might and His power, many more would have been destroyed. It was even much harder for Jesus to be humble than for us, for He actually had power, authority and might at all times yet He chose not to use it. The average human being would have quickly tried to conquer all the world if they had an ounce of the power, authority and might Jesus had. Moreover, most humans are forced by circumstances to be humble whereas Jesus was humble by choice. May we learn from His example. Sometimes, we are like James and John who, having learnt of the great power of Jesus and the name of Jesus, almost wanted to call down fire to burn the town that rejected Jesus and them. They were even polite enough to ask Jesus if He wanted them to call down fire to destroy the town (Luke 9:54). As if Jesus doesn't know how to do it Himself if He wanted to. Jesus rebuked them and said that they know not what spirit they are of (Luke 9:55). Give a little power to people without humility and they will destroy themselves and the entire earth. Give all power to a humble man or woman and they will use it only for the benefit of others and the whole world.
The way to be a conqueror in Christ and more than a conqueror in Him is by receiving and not by taking. We inherit the earth – not conquer the earth (Matthew 5:5). We cannot keep what is not given to us by God no matter how hard we try. We can only keep what is rightfully given to us by God and no man or devil can take that away from us. We cannot keep that which we have compromised our principles and heart to get. We can only keep that which we humbly and prayerfully have received from God through a lifestyle of love and humility. It is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts 20:35). Why is it more blessed? No doubt receiving the inheritance of God is a blessing. We must not just be blessed with the blessing, we must also receive it in a blessed way. The way we receive the blessings is as important as the blessing; if indeed, the blessing is of a spiritual and significant nature that has powerful blessings in the natural. Many people of God want the blessings of God but they would bend every rule and compromise every principle in order to have it. The end never justifies the means. Both the means and end must be right for it to carry the approval of Christ. Jesus was offered a short cut to the world of riches and power by the devil (Matthew 4:8-9). He did after all come to conquer the world back for God but it must be on God's terms and God's method. He chose the power of the cross to do it. The power of the cross symbolizes the triumph of humility over all the world. How much lower in humility can one go beyond the cross? Nil. The cross is the lowest point of humility personified. And God chose to glorify the cross so that we will always remember that it is by the cross of Christ that we conquer. Amen and Amen.
The cross has been the symbol of Christian armies throughout but it has been used wrongly. The true symbol of the cross is that of giving one's life to another as the conquest of another life; and then the world. By giving ourselves to others in humility, we conquer. We conquer by giving and not taking – that is the message of the cross. People who use the symbol of the cross to conquer by killing, taking and grabbing are no better than the devil incarnate. The true message of the cross is that we conquer by laying our lives one for another. May each of us never see the cross in the same way again. May each of us see that the cross was humility personified conquering through self-sacrifice. Jesus conquered us and the world when He gave Himself on the cross. Today we who are disciples of Jesus conquer by giving our lives at the cross for others. And as God raised Jesus and exalted Him above all name and power and might in heaven, earth and under the earth, so will God do so to us and cause us to reign over all the world in humility and truth. We shall be the head and not the tail through the power of humility. We shall conquer nation after nation in Christ and for Christ through the power of humility. The cross is a method and not just a message. It is the ultimate method of conquest of the world. It is the very symbol of the power of humility. Humility is a method and not just an end. The end is Christ and the road and methodology is the humility of love.
May God open the eyes of your understanding, beloved ones, and show you the power of humility. May you never ever feel ashamed to suffer wrong unjustly, to take the pain and sin of others unto Christ. The Spirit of glory is upon you when you partake of the sufferings of Christ (1 Peter 4:12-14). May we know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings (Philippians 3:10).
The blessings of humility and the methodology of humility be mightily demonstrated upon each of you.
In Christ Jesus