As I prepared myself for the ministry ahead in March, the following insights were given. The Word of God exalts the love of God as the greatest spiritual virtue and asset, yet this love must be exercised with "all discernment" (Phil 1:9). Jesus told His disciples to be "wise as serpents," (Matt 10:16) because there are really crafty and cunning people in this world. Also, though mistreating a child is not of love, spoiling a child is also not true love, for true love is of the truth of God.
The first vision concerns a Christian who looked well on the outside. He is a weekly church goer, seemed like a friendly person. But it was revealed in the vision that his heart had ulterior motives. I saw in his heart that it was not pure towards God. There were other reasons that made him to attend church and act as he seems. It is not saying that he is a wicked person, for he is not, but this fine appearance had fooled many church leaders. Most Christians and ministers could not see through it and thus held a image different from his real being inside. Man had a much better impression of him while God had different opinions. Although it is not for us to judge anyone, it is our responsibility to discern and correct with the love and truth of God. The experienced prophet Samuel was fooled by his own desires and the appearance of things temporarily when God told him to anoint Israel's future king among the sons of Jesse.
"So it was, when they (the sons of Jesse) came, that he (Samuel) looked at Eliab and said, “Surely the LORD’s anointed is before Him!” (1 Sam 16:6).
But this is when the Lord corrected Samuel.
"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'” (1 Sam 16:7).
One does not need the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Cor 12:10), which is the ability to discern spirits, whether they be angels, evil spirits, or visions of Jesus, in order to be able to discern the hearts of people and situations. It merely takes the growth of spiritual discernment of our lives (Phil 1:9). The beautiful in heart will resound with the beautiful, the pure will resound with the pure. When the spiritual sensing does not flow in tune with the Word of God, the nature of the pure love of God, darkness can be detected when one is pure in heart. For the pure in heart shall see God (Matt 5:8), and the revelation of God will reveal all that is not pure in His presence.
The second insight that was given concerned the misjudgments of many Christians, including a vast number of ministers and church leaders. There was a group of humble and Christlike believers being accused by another group of un-Christlike believers. While it is true that the former made mistakes in their moments of weakness, the accusers were much more wicked in the sight of God. It was revealed that because the humble are so ready to admit and confess their sins, those who had a bad heart wanted to destroy them and thus have broadcasted false rumors and went on to tell as many people as they can, wishing the downfall of the beloved in God. Out of love for the second group of believers, the first group freely forgave their malice and did not consider it godly to tell others about the much more wicked sins of the other group, other people tend to believe that the more sinful are spiritual, and that the first group had been seriously flawed. In God's perspective, however, since the first group had already sincerely repented of their honest mistakes, their sin was actually not nearly as bad as many had thought. On the other hand, God's hot displeasure was on the other group of believers who were ten times, nay, a hundred times more evil. The funny thing about this picture was that in the earthly realm, Christians and ministers have completely misunderstood the situation. The people whom men commend are like the Pharisees in God's sight, and the "sinners" (the first group) in men's eyes are the real men after God's own heart. It was told that the subtle reason, sometimes in the subconscious level, why people tend to be so ready to believe in rumors, exaggerated facts, and spread false accusations, rather than confirm with the actual persons involved and eye witnesses, is because of the impure nature of their hearts. They themselves would look good when others around them are put down. In these last days, God's judgment will soon be upon the malice in heart, the deceitful and manipulative for their sake.
As I prepare myself in pastoral works in the future, I was reminded that I've been given the mandate to carry a message emphasis on God's unconditional great love and healing. However, there will be many very complicated people and situations that I face. I need to continue to grow in spiritual discernment so that I can truly minister God's kind of love that is full of His truth and light. ONLY God sees the hearts of men, I cannot rely on my own judgment no matter how things may look on the outside.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment" (Phil 1:9).
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matt 10:16).
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第四個異夢 -- 耶和華不像人看人
The first vision concerns a Christian who looked well on the outside. He is a weekly church goer, seemed like a friendly person. But it was revealed in the vision that his heart had ulterior motives. I saw in his heart that it was not pure towards God. There were other reasons that made him to attend church and act as he seems. It is not saying that he is a wicked person, for he is not, but this fine appearance had fooled many church leaders. Most Christians and ministers could not see through it and thus held a image different from his real being inside. Man had a much better impression of him while God had different opinions. Although it is not for us to judge anyone, it is our responsibility to discern and correct with the love and truth of God. The experienced prophet Samuel was fooled by his own desires and the appearance of things temporarily when God told him to anoint Israel's future king among the sons of Jesse.
"So it was, when they (the sons of Jesse) came, that he (Samuel) looked at Eliab and said, “Surely the LORD’s anointed is before Him!” (1 Sam 16:6).
But this is when the Lord corrected Samuel.
"But the LORD said to Samuel, 'Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.'” (1 Sam 16:7).
One does not need the gift of discerning of spirits (1 Cor 12:10), which is the ability to discern spirits, whether they be angels, evil spirits, or visions of Jesus, in order to be able to discern the hearts of people and situations. It merely takes the growth of spiritual discernment of our lives (Phil 1:9). The beautiful in heart will resound with the beautiful, the pure will resound with the pure. When the spiritual sensing does not flow in tune with the Word of God, the nature of the pure love of God, darkness can be detected when one is pure in heart. For the pure in heart shall see God (Matt 5:8), and the revelation of God will reveal all that is not pure in His presence.
The second insight that was given concerned the misjudgments of many Christians, including a vast number of ministers and church leaders. There was a group of humble and Christlike believers being accused by another group of un-Christlike believers. While it is true that the former made mistakes in their moments of weakness, the accusers were much more wicked in the sight of God. It was revealed that because the humble are so ready to admit and confess their sins, those who had a bad heart wanted to destroy them and thus have broadcasted false rumors and went on to tell as many people as they can, wishing the downfall of the beloved in God. Out of love for the second group of believers, the first group freely forgave their malice and did not consider it godly to tell others about the much more wicked sins of the other group, other people tend to believe that the more sinful are spiritual, and that the first group had been seriously flawed. In God's perspective, however, since the first group had already sincerely repented of their honest mistakes, their sin was actually not nearly as bad as many had thought. On the other hand, God's hot displeasure was on the other group of believers who were ten times, nay, a hundred times more evil. The funny thing about this picture was that in the earthly realm, Christians and ministers have completely misunderstood the situation. The people whom men commend are like the Pharisees in God's sight, and the "sinners" (the first group) in men's eyes are the real men after God's own heart. It was told that the subtle reason, sometimes in the subconscious level, why people tend to be so ready to believe in rumors, exaggerated facts, and spread false accusations, rather than confirm with the actual persons involved and eye witnesses, is because of the impure nature of their hearts. They themselves would look good when others around them are put down. In these last days, God's judgment will soon be upon the malice in heart, the deceitful and manipulative for their sake.
As I prepare myself in pastoral works in the future, I was reminded that I've been given the mandate to carry a message emphasis on God's unconditional great love and healing. However, there will be many very complicated people and situations that I face. I need to continue to grow in spiritual discernment so that I can truly minister God's kind of love that is full of His truth and light. ONLY God sees the hearts of men, I cannot rely on my own judgment no matter how things may look on the outside.
"And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment" (Phil 1:9).
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves" (Matt 10:16).
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第四個異夢 -- 耶和華不像人看人