I prayed Ephesians 3:14-21 for each of you today. The most important area in ministry and in your personal life is to grow in the love of God. Too many times we concentrate on "What" we are to do but we do not realise that the "Why" we do it determines both the success and the eternal impact. It is possible to do ministry without the pure motivation of love for God and for others. Paul points to this in Philippians 1:15-17. Yes, it is even possible to operate the gifts without love (1 Corinthians 13:1-3). Everything that is not done out of the motivation of love is consumed in the light of eternity (1 Corinthians 3:11-14). None of us wants to waste out time in doing something for years and find out in eternity that all the work is considered nothing because our motivation was for self glory, self maintenance, etc. If you are ever tired of ministry, depressed in ministry, feel frustration or irritation; then something is not right. You have lost your balance. The only way to restore balance back into your life and ministry is to get back into the love of God.
From the time that we are born again, a measure of the love of Christ was poured into our lives (Romans 5:1-5). This love of God within us needs to grow until we know the width, length, depth and height of God's love. It will take all of our earthly life to grow into the fullness of this love. In the ministry, we need to desire that we feel the same intensity of love for the world that the Father has (John 3:16). We need to feel the same intensity of love for people that Jesus felt when He freely gave His life on the cross for each of us (Roman 5:8; 1 John 3:16). This intensity of love needs to grow from day to day; it is not an instant overnight process (thus the reason for Paul's Ephesians chapter 3 prayer). As an allegory, I will use the word "frequency" to convey the meaning of this growth in love. Imagine that the highest frequency in the Spiritual World is the pure and holy love of God (God is love 1 John 4:8). And from the highest frequency of God's dimension, the frequency is lessened or diminished through the many myriads of spiritual spheres until it reaches the physical realm, which is the lowest frequency. Those of us who are still physically on this earth receive but a minute measure of this frequency of love (which to us is already overflowing). Having been born of the Spirit of God and of love, we now need to grow into this higher frequency. It cannot be done overnight as we need to be daily tuned a little bit more each day - otherwise the sudden increase in frequency is too great for the instrument and may cause the instrument to be destroyed. Day by day as we are used to the higher frequency, we are tuned further into a still higher frequency.
For this reason, we need to take time each day and pray, worship and meditate to allow this tuning process to take place. Also each day as we find our love exhausted, we need to return to re-fill in the love of God. All healing, all power and all ministry flows from the higher frequency to the lower frequency. When the frequency and vibrations within an individual are in disharmony sickness or other ailments of the soul and body take hold. We need to be honest and admit that we all don't really love people as much as God the Father and Jesus does; we are all getting there but we are not there yet. Also when we stand to minister to people or when we pray for another person, the most important consciousness is to be conscious of the love of God for the people rather than to be conscious of their needs. For what they physically need or expressed a need of may be diverse and different - purely symptoms of a greater spiritual need - but what they all really need is the love of God. (All soul and physical ailments are only symptoms of the disharmony of frequencies within a person). Thus when we become channels of the frequency of God's love, we are meeting the true need of the people (and not just their symptoms). From the restoration of the frequencies within those ministered to, many miracles and healings and other soul and physical breakthroughs result. (Remember that I am using allegories here to express a spiritual principle and a spiritual phenomena that is taking place in the spiritual realm. It is difficult to express spiritual things using natural illustrations but this is as good as it gets in figurative language. What is expressed is true and real in the Spiritual World).
The day our hearts and lives vibrate with the same height of frequency of God's love, is the day that we will be doing the works and the greater works of Jesus (John 14:12). And if our hearts and lives are not vibrating with a measure of the frequency of God's love in ministry and life, all that is being done would be wasted and of no eternal value. The greatest is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
From the time that we are born again, a measure of the love of Christ was poured into our lives (Romans 5:1-5). This love of God within us needs to grow until we know the width, length, depth and height of God's love. It will take all of our earthly life to grow into the fullness of this love. In the ministry, we need to desire that we feel the same intensity of love for the world that the Father has (John 3:16). We need to feel the same intensity of love for people that Jesus felt when He freely gave His life on the cross for each of us (Roman 5:8; 1 John 3:16). This intensity of love needs to grow from day to day; it is not an instant overnight process (thus the reason for Paul's Ephesians chapter 3 prayer). As an allegory, I will use the word "frequency" to convey the meaning of this growth in love. Imagine that the highest frequency in the Spiritual World is the pure and holy love of God (God is love 1 John 4:8). And from the highest frequency of God's dimension, the frequency is lessened or diminished through the many myriads of spiritual spheres until it reaches the physical realm, which is the lowest frequency. Those of us who are still physically on this earth receive but a minute measure of this frequency of love (which to us is already overflowing). Having been born of the Spirit of God and of love, we now need to grow into this higher frequency. It cannot be done overnight as we need to be daily tuned a little bit more each day - otherwise the sudden increase in frequency is too great for the instrument and may cause the instrument to be destroyed. Day by day as we are used to the higher frequency, we are tuned further into a still higher frequency.
For this reason, we need to take time each day and pray, worship and meditate to allow this tuning process to take place. Also each day as we find our love exhausted, we need to return to re-fill in the love of God. All healing, all power and all ministry flows from the higher frequency to the lower frequency. When the frequency and vibrations within an individual are in disharmony sickness or other ailments of the soul and body take hold. We need to be honest and admit that we all don't really love people as much as God the Father and Jesus does; we are all getting there but we are not there yet. Also when we stand to minister to people or when we pray for another person, the most important consciousness is to be conscious of the love of God for the people rather than to be conscious of their needs. For what they physically need or expressed a need of may be diverse and different - purely symptoms of a greater spiritual need - but what they all really need is the love of God. (All soul and physical ailments are only symptoms of the disharmony of frequencies within a person). Thus when we become channels of the frequency of God's love, we are meeting the true need of the people (and not just their symptoms). From the restoration of the frequencies within those ministered to, many miracles and healings and other soul and physical breakthroughs result. (Remember that I am using allegories here to express a spiritual principle and a spiritual phenomena that is taking place in the spiritual realm. It is difficult to express spiritual things using natural illustrations but this is as good as it gets in figurative language. What is expressed is true and real in the Spiritual World).
The day our hearts and lives vibrate with the same height of frequency of God's love, is the day that we will be doing the works and the greater works of Jesus (John 14:12). And if our hearts and lives are not vibrating with a measure of the frequency of God's love in ministry and life, all that is being done would be wasted and of no eternal value. The greatest is love (1 Corinthians 13:13).
From Pastor Peter Tan